
VEGA BRAZIL established in Franca/SP city, is a company which deals international logistics, documents and process of customs disentanglements providing solutions in the process of customs in exportation and importation. Is led by professional with several years of experience in international trade and related services, working with excelence for several industrial segments for a cost that does not threaten the viability of the commercial business


Ethic. Respect for people. Professional transparency. Excellence in dealing with the client.

Eurípedes Horácio Montandon, Owner

Graduated in Industrial Chemical Technology by Unifran of Franca, SP; has professional certification in Foreign Trade, Sales, Finance, Human Relations, Accounting and Business Administration and Production; since 1980 is specialized in foreign trade, having acted as consultant to several companies of different sizes and segments.

In partnership with SENAC, FIESP / CIESP, SINDIFRANCA and ASSINTECAL, ministered several exportation courses in the cities of Franca, Ribeirão Preto, Bauru, Sertãozinho, Jaú, Birigui and São Paulo.

Guest by APEX, participated in several international business rounds, contributing with your experience, guidance to companies interested in entering their products in the external market.

In 1997, received the certificate from Association of Diplomates of the Superior School of War, for his participation and collaboration in the "Policy and Strategy Studies Cycle".

In 1979, in official ceremony at the Education Division of Araxá-MG city, received from the National Defense League the diploma of "Symbol Student of the city of Araxá-MG", for participation in Brasília city, in the Caravana de Integração Nacional , whose theme was "The participation of young people in the construction of Brazil".


Look what can we do for you...

Export and Import

  • • Ocean, air and truck freight to all goods and samples.
  • • Customs Clearance
  • • Issuance of all shipping documents such as Proforma, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of origin, Export and Import licenses.
  • • International Insurance for your merchandise
  • • Exchange service
  • • Drawback emission, control and proof
  • • Preparation and analysis of Letter Credit, on exports
  • • Cost of the product to export or import
  • • Proex Program
  • • Trainning of people
  • • Participation in international fairs.

Exportation and Import operations through trading company

By, what is a Trading Company?

Trading Company is a commercial company that acts as intermediate in the process of export and import between manufactures and purchasing companies


  • Consolidation of shipping from various manufacturers and different commodities to same importer.
  • Reduced operating costs of transport, customs services and documents.
  • Possibility of access to credit lines.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us

Av. Dr. Ismael Alonso Y Alonso, 2500 - CJ 302 - 3º Andar
Bairro São José - Franca/SP - CEP: 14403-430

Phone: +55 (16) 3706-1011
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